Dyson Sphere Program Wiki

The goal of Dyson Sphere Program is to complete a megastructure called a Dyson Sphere around a star. Stars have six different attributes and each will affect the Dyson Sphere and its outputs in different ways. These attributes are: mass, spectral class, radius, luminosity, temperature, and age.


Spectral Class[]

  • O (blue)
  • B (light blue/Blue Giants)
  • A (blue/white)
  • F (yellow)
  • G (yellow)
  • K (orange)
  • M (red)
Spectral Class Image Mass Range Radius Luminosity Temperature Age
O 60 M 4-15 R 2-2.766 L Over 25,000K 6 Myrs
B 10 M 2 R (Blue Giants can be ~13.5 R) 1.6 L 13,152-30,942 K 15-242 Myrs
A 3 M 1.6 R 1.2 L 8,550-12,683K ~135-421 Myrs
F 1.7 M 1.3 R 1.5 L 6,000-7,500K 11,000-4700 Myrs
G 1.1 M 1.1 R 1.2 L 5,000-6,000K
K 0.8 M 0.9 R 0.85 L 3,500-5,000K
M 0.3 M 0.4 R .7 L Under 3,500K
  • X
    • Black Hole
    • Neutron Star
    • White Dwarf


The older a B Type Star gets, the less blue it appears, eventually appearing almost white.

Young B Type Stars are blue and usually much more hot and massive than the other B stars.

X subclass of stars do emit light and it is possible to build a Dyson Sphere around a black hole.
